Quite Verbatim

il blog dell’amante

Archivio per giugno 23, 2023

I migranti palestrati


biafraMi capita di leggere sui social media i messaggi degli xenofobi elettori di Salvini o M5S (o destra estrema) che negano che i migranti economici fuggano dalla miseria perché sono tutti giovani e in salute, col fisico tirato, quasi avessero frequentato una palestra, mentre – a dir loro – dovrebbero essere scheletrici come nelle foto dei bambini dell’Africa subsahariana che muoiono di fame.

In parte hanno ragione: una volta scesi dalle barche, curati e rifocillati, sono quasi tutti giovani, forti e in salute. La ragione però finisce qui: non potrebbero in alcun modo essere come nelle foto di quelli che muoiono di fame e non è complesso da capire nemmeno per chi vota Lega…

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Ensuring maximum casualties in Gaza

In Gaza


*Darts released from a flechette bomb. Photo | Eva Bartlett

-by Eva Bartlett

“We were still young and in love. We had all of our dreams,” Muhammad Abu Jerrad said, holding a photo of his wife by the sea. Wafa Abu Jerrad was one of at least six killed by three flechette bombs fired by Israeli tanks in the Ezbet Beit Hanoun area, northern Gaza, on 5 January.

The dart bomb attacks came the morning after invading Israeli soldiers killed 35-year-old paramedic Arafa Abd al-Dayem. Along with another medic and ambulance driver, Abd al-Dayem was targeted by the lethal darts just after 10:10am on 4 January while trying to aide civilians already attacked by Israeli forces in northern Gaza’s Beit Lahia area. Within two hours of being shredded by multiple razor-sharp darts, Arafa Abd al-Dayem died as a result of slashes to his lungs, limbs and internal organs.


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Israel’s Firing of White Phosphorous Mutilated & Murdered Palestinian Civilians

In Gaza

By Eva Bartlett

It’s daily hard to believe it can get worse, but daily it does.

Last week, I saw what seemed to be the white phosphorus clouds doctors have written about, condemned. From a tall Gaza city building, the panoramic view showed a spreading stream of poison, on eastern Gaza.

The chemical burns deeply, to the bone, experts say. It is considered illegal warfare, not to be used in civilian areas. Yet the accounts grow of its use: heavy use in the Khosar region, east of Khan Younis, and in the northwest of Gaza, and in eastern Jabaliya, Sheik Zayid, Sheik Rajleen, Zaitoun… Everywhere. The UN headquarters housing hundreds of fleeing Palestinians which was bombed on January 15 was hit with white phosphorus.

“Five days ago, in Jabaliya, I saw an abnormal material: white dust, spread out in spinning circles which spread the dust further. From inside there…

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Killing before the Calm: Israeli Attacks on Palestinian Civilians Escalated before Cease-fire

In Gaza

*Nader Abu Mghaseeb, 14, killed by targeted Israeli drone bombing two hours before the “cease-fire” while going to get food for his family.
-by Eva Bartlett

**NOTE: contains graphic images…reality of Palestinians under occupation and continuous Israeli attacks.

Nov 21, al Aqsa hospital, Deir al Balah. At approximately 2pm, Mubarak Ibrahim Abu Houly, 24, was walking among the olive trees on his land when the drone hit him, tore off his left leg… not that it mattered…he was instantly dead.  Drone strikes come without any warning. The sky is continually filled with the buzzing of the drones, and eventually you tune them out, they become background noise. Abu Houly lived in central Gaza’s Nusseirat camp, an area that has been hammered by Zionist bombings this past week.

In Deir al Balah’s al Aqsa hospital morgue—a small room with two three-drawer fridges—Mubarak’s body, awaiting burial, is another…

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